Friday, 1 February 2013

Adventures In Comics entrants to be unveiled at our 1 February First Friday

We have just confirmed that Mike Garley, editor in chief of VS Comics will be our guest speaker for First Friday this year, and, he has offered to publish the best three comics submissions in his digital comics edition.

In light of this exciting news we are extending the deadline for submissions to the 30th January and postponing publication of our paper until the 21st February to coincide with GEEK2013.

All entries will be on display at our 1 February First Friday and this exhibition will move to the Pie Factory for 16th to 24th February 2013 where we’ll invite people to identify the stories they think should win. These peoples’-choice picks will share the winners’ podium with the judge’s choice – as chosen by Paul Gravett, author of ‘1001 comics you must read before you die’


  1. Is this exhibition up yet? Did I miss the opening?
    Stew Simpson

    1. Im afraid you did miss the opening and the exhibition. Hopefully we will put the exhibition up again. In the meantime keep up to date here:
