Wednesday, 20 March 2013

GEEK Phew! - First Friday Invitation

GEEK Phew! is a chance to catch up, meet up and say Hi.
6.30pm - 9pm 5th April 2013, all ages welcome.
 Donations Bar or BYO.
If you helped at GEEK…Phew! you need a bit of R&R – come along meet friends and toast your hard work. If you missed it...want to know what you missed? Be part of next year? Got some great ideas of how to make it better? Or want to find out more? Come along.
GEEK Phew! has a unique soundtrack thanks to our guest curator Robert Urquhart!
“Aside from writing, music and sound have always been an interest, from my first job making whale noises for Channel 4 learning to produce an album for Adaadat Records and DJ'ing for independent record label SEED records under the moniker of the (tongue in-cheek but some would say apt) title of DJ Required, I've always enjoyed the impact that computer use has made on the way we create.
At the GEEK 2013 after party I'll be playing a soundtrack that doesn't just include the blips and beeps of music made by using computers but also music and lyrics that have been influenced by us using computers in our everyday lives – from portents of Orwellian doom to celebrations of social media, as well as movie soundtracks and archive recordings.
I look forward to clicking through and scrolling down to GEEK 2014 and helping out in whatever way I can” - Robert Urquhart

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